Hello and welcome.
I'm Lori.
Blueberry lover.
Moon gazer.
Barefoot dancer.
Energy channeler.
Integral Master Coach.
I’m passionate about helping anxious, overwhelmed, frustrated mothers discover and activate new parts of themselves so they can parent their teens and young adult children with steadiness, confidence and love.
Because I was that mother.
I was nervous, over-protective, demanding and explosive. Sure, I presented a good façade on the outside but, inside, I was overwhelmed and just trying to stay afloat.
Believe me, I’ve seen the look on my child’s face when I’ve yelled something utterly unforgivable. I’ve caught myself behaving more like my mother than the woman I’d worked to become. I’ve been to the harrowing edge of almost losing my teenager. And for years, I felt sick to my stomach that I was screwing up the greatest privilege of my life.
The truth was that there was a disconnection between me and my kids, an uneasy distance across which my love for them wasn’t translating. I knew in my bones that I had to change how I was being with them.
So, how do you make real changes in yourself and your parenting?
You’ve probably gone to workshops and experienced those amazing moments when everything seems to shift – a door opens and what you need to do is right there in front of you. And, if you’re like me, when you went home, you couldn’t seem to integrate those learnings into your life. And they slipped away.
But I was determined. I was longing to know how to forge real connections with my kids.
I did a ton of exploring until I found Integral Coaching. It's one of the few approaches to human development that honors all of you – body, mind, heart and soul – and takes you all the way to putting your insights into action in your daily life. So that you’re truly moving forward on a new trajectory.​​

The other part of the equation
I also knew that centering and connecting with Spirit would be on my path to parenting with composure. In the past, I had sat at the feet of elders and participated in women’s rituals and shamanic ceremonies and experienced the deep calm of my soul, that part of me that is peaceful, pristine and whole. I wanted better access to that.
What happened next was a series of events that no one could have predicted and that connected me crystal-clearly with my spirit guides and intuition. Here, within myself, was a solid, radiant core that I learned to draw upon for balance in the tense moments of parenting (and all of my life, really).
​The more I could see and accept my Self, the more I could see and accept my kids as they really are. That’s when I stepped confidently into my role to walk alongside these two amazing souls.
Of course, I still get triggered sometimes and mess up. But one thing I’m certain about is that focusing on my inner development was the best gift I could ever have given them.

So I created this path for overwhelmed parents.
My approach sits at the intersection of spirit, philosophy, science and artistry. This is where I create a safe, light-filled space for parents to release outdated habits and establish their physical, emotional and spiritual steadiness - the calm they need to build open, accepting, sustainable connections with their big kids.
As an Integral Master Coach™, I embody deep capacity to see all of you, where you are in the messiness right now and where you long to go. I bring the skills and presence to guide you on that very personal journey.
My influences include Integral theory, mindfulness, states of consciousness, the Enneagram, compassionate inquiry, conscious parenting, parts work, nonviolent communication, and somatic and emotional intelligence.
And as a ritual maker and energy channeler, I bring in the unseen allies that support the deep change you’ve set into motion. Light energy flows in and helps you release outdated patterns - the nagging, panicking, resenting, yelling, over-helping, worrying – and make space for your new grounded way of parenting to emerge and take up the reins.
This is deeply rooted, holistic coaching within a sacred container.
Some tidbits about me:
I grew up on a cattle ranch in a small town called Horsefly. Really.  ​
I love being in the mountains. It's the air that feels right in my lungs, my joy and my soul’s home. 
I’m an Enneagram T9w1, the Peacemaker, born on the Taurus/Gemini cusp. My bedside table holds the Rumi Oracle, amethyst, citrine, celestite and my trusty journal.
I'm an elemental space clearer, energy channeler and ritual-leader (read more here).
I work with high school students on the side - it keeps me connected to their worldview.​​​​
I've had silver hair since my 30’s.​
Why I work with parents
The arena of parenting coaching is rife with half-trained helpers and millionaire 'experts'. But moms go looking for help when they’re lost and hurting and, to me, it’s downright unethical the way they’re overcharged and misled to believe that someone else has a magic formula.
That’s why I’m over here, quietly helping parents sort through their unique challenges, cultivate their steadiness and build relationships that truly work for them, their kids and their real-life family.
The big vision in my heart is for all the teens and young adults in the world to feel supported to find and follow the beat of their own hearts.
And this requires us, as parents and caregivers, to face ourselves, heal our wounds and do the essential inner work that enables us to fully support them to become the genuine, kind, brilliant, creative, shining beings that our world needs.
To me, this is the way to Peace - one heart and one family at a time.
Embark on the journey to feel Peace in your Parenting.

My Invitation
to You
If this feels like it might be just what you need right now, I invite you to a complimentary coaching session so you can get to know me and my style.
Tell me a bit about the issue that’s got you looking for support and I'll help you gain some insight and traction on it right now.
That's it. No obligation and no sales pitch, I promise.
And if we discover that we'd be a good fit to work more in depth together, it would be my privilege to guide you into your new relationships with yourself and your kids.​