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Read 'Peace in My Parenting'...




Most Sundays, I send out a love letter to parents to help you build a better relationship with your teen or young adult child.


Whether you're releasing worry and control, breaking free from unhealthy parenting patterns you inherited, developing new ways of communicating, or connecting to the deeper meaning of your role, this letter will give you relief, community and support.


Receive fresh perspectives, helpful information and inspiring stories, plus simple but powerful daily practices and prompts to fuel your exploration and growth.​​​​​​​​​​


It's all about finding Peace in your Parenting.



And just so you know...

I follow conscious business practices. I value your trust in letting my words come directly into your inbox and I will never share your email address with anyone. I won't bombard you with stuff you don't want and, of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

"Reading your articles is like stepping into a sanctuary for 20 minutes. It's a place to breathe, reflect and gather energy for my week of parenting ahead."


​"Without making me feel ashamed or telling me what to do, her questions point me into an area to explore in my own heart and find my own answers for how I want to use them in my personal situation. She shares her mothering wisdom so generously and my family is the better for it."


"It's not your average newsletter, it's a transmission of deep love and magic. I'm amazed how there's something valuable for me in her words every week."



Listen to my Guided Meditations...


Reconnecting to your Parenting WisdomLori Walters
00:00 / 19:47

Parenting teens and young adults throws us off balance, depletes our energy and sometimes leaves us feeling lost and alone.


That's why I created these soothing meditations for you. Settle into your favourite spot for 20 minutes, relax and reconnect with your center. Sense into the divine beauty and mystery of your role as a parent. Be replenished and inspired for your ongoing parenting journey.









Click HERE for all of my guided meditations on Insight Timer.


Gift Coaching Sessions...


Twice a year, I offer Gift coaching sessions to parents of teens and young adults.

The next series will be in Nov/ 24.  

Subscribe to my newsletter to receive updates.


Do you have questions but aren't quite ready to hop into a coaching session? Ask me here.




Lori K Walters

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© 2025 by Lori K Walters

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